About Charleston Jewish Community Center Foundation (CJCCF)

The CJCCF was created in the fall of 2015 following the sale of the Charleston JCC assets. The assets of the CJCCF are held by the Jewish Endowment Foundation at Coastal Community Foundation. The JCC served the Jewish community for almost 75 years providing many services and programs to the Jewish community from infants to the oldest in the greater Charleston area. Membership in the JCC was open to anyone in the community regardless of race, religion, creed or sexual orientation. The programs focused on education, community relations, Jewish culture, sports, serving youth, adults and senior adults. For decades the JCC was the Center of the Charleston Jewish Community. The programs to be funded should be consistent with the types of programs provided in the past by the JCC.

Board of Directors and Officers

President: Harry Nadler

Treasurer: Ben Chase

Secretary: Andy Slotin

  • Ben Chase
  • Leah Chase
  • Jeffrey Cohen
  • Harry Nadler
  • Billy Olasov
  • Patricia Sikes
  • Andy Slotin
  • Eve Sokol
  • Tamar Sternfeld
  • Spencer Lynch
  • Stuart Feldman
The Charleston JCC Foundation (CJCCF) Grant Program

The Charleston JCC Foundation (CJCCF) Grant Program is an invitation-only competitive program continuing the work of the Charleston Jewish Community Center by providing funding for education, community relations, Jewish culture, and sports. The CJCCF was created in the fall of 2015 following the sale of the Charleston JCC assets. The JCC served the Jewish community for almost 75 years providing many services and programs to the Jewish community from infants to the oldest in the greater Charleston area. Membership in the JCC was open to anyone in the community regardless of race, religion, creed or sexual orientation. The programs to be funded should be consistent with the types of programs provided in the past by the JCC.

Overarching principles & priorities:

  1. The project should demonstrate impact and benefit to the overall Jewish community.
  2. The agency/organization should have a record of service.

Eligibility for funding:

  1. The sponsoring agencies or organizations must be in the Tri-county area (Charleston, Berkley, Dorchester) or must serve Jewish residents of the Tri-county area.
  2. Agencies or organizations should have a 501(c)(3) certification. Grants might be considered to organizations that don’t have a 501(c)(3) certificate under special circumstances (e.g. Summerville Jewish groups).
  3. The sponsoring agency or organization must be a Jewish group but could collaborate with a non-Jewish organization.

The CJCCF will consider funding programs that are consistent with the traditional broad JCC mission, as described below:

  1. Programs that promote Jewish education, culture, heritage, and identity through:
    • Services to Jewish youth
    • Services to Jewish seniors
    • Services to Jewish adults
    • Services that foster better relations between the Jewish and non-Jewish community
  2. Subsidies for Jewish camping experiences
  3. Subsidies for travel for Jewish youth programs

The CJCCF will NOT consider funding:

  1. Capital projects
  2. Individuals that are not under the sponsorship of an organization
  3. Operating budgets
  4. Endowments

Previous Grants:


  • CJCCF awarded ten grants for a total of $49,850. The grants awarded went to:
    • Addlestone Hebrew Academy to support the Israel Experience for the 8th grade class.
    • BBYO of Charleston to support Jewish teen experiences.
    • Chabad of the Lowcountry to support 10 visiting artists for the pre-school arts program.
    • Charleston Jewish Federation to support immersive Jewish experiences for kids and first-time overnight campers attending a Jewish residential camp.
    • Jewish Family Services to provide scholarship assistance to Jewish children attending Jewish summer camps.
    • Jewish Family Services for assistance to families in need due to Covid expenses. 
    • KKBE to support “Shabbat Around Town”.
    • Synagogue Emanu-el to support participants experiencing Israel in the winter of 2022.
    • Yaschik/Arnold Jewish Studies to support the Jewish Filmfest program.
    • Varna International Music Academy – Violins of Hope to sponsor the concert and tour of violins from the Holocaust that have been restored. 


  • Synagogue Emanu-el
    • $3,000 to subsidize teens participating in USY regional and national events during the year.


  • Yaschic/Arnold Jewish Studies Program
    • $17,000 to continue the Charleston Jewish Filmfest project and the Charleston Jewish Bookfest project.


  • Chabad of the Lowcountry
    • $2,500 to provide tuition assistance to families to attend the pre-school program in Mt. Pleasant


  • Addlestone Hebrew Academy
    • $2,000 to help subsidize the 8th grade students to go to Israel.


  • Charleston Jewish Family Services
    • $10,000 to provide emergency financial assistance to families in need during the pandemic.


  • Hadassah
    • $5,000 to support overnight camping experiences for children attending Camp Judaea.


  • Chabad of the Lowcountry
    • $2,500 to spread the meaning of Shabbat to families.


  • Charleston BBYO
    • $2,000 to assist Charleston teens in participating in BBYO regional and national programs throughout the year.


  • Yaschik/Arnold Jewish Studies Program – College of Charleston
    • $20,000 to run the Jewish Filmfest and the Jewish Bookfest


  • Charleston Jewish Family Services
    • $5,000 to subsidize Jewish camp fees for Charleston children attending Jewish overnight camps in 2022.


  • Charleston Jewish Federation
    • $5,000 for the Young Jewish Charleston program that connects young adults in their 20’s and 30’s to the Charleston Jewish community.


  • Charleston BBYO
    • $4,500 to assist Charleston teens in participating in BBYO regional and national programs throughout the year.


  • Addlestone Hebrew Academy
    • $1,050 to conduct three events during the year connected to Jewish holidays.


  • Congregation Dor Tikvah
    • $1,000 to support Shabbat programming for children and Shabbat dinners.


  • Yaschic/Arnold Jewish Studies Program
    • $10,000 to continue the Charleston Jewish Filmfest project and the Charleston Jewish Bookfest project.


  • Charleston Jewish Federation
    • $2,000 to support the Secure Community Network.


  • BSBI Synagogue
    • $2,500 to support Sunday morning programs for adults and youth.


  • Addlestone Hebrew Academy
    • $1,000 to provide packages of Passover materials to interested families.


  • Yaschik/Arnold Jewish Studies Program – College of Charleston
    • $20,000 to run the Jewish Filmfest and the Jewish Bookfest
Charleston Jewish FilmFest & BookFest

Charleston Jewish FilmFest showcases the best Jewish films from around the world. Our films always feature discussions with experts that promote audience engagement and insight.


If you have questions about grants, completing the application, or the process, you may contact Kaela Hammond at Coastal Community Foundation or Harry Nadler, President of the CJCCF, for assistance. Kaela may be reached by phone at 854-222-3469 or by email at Kaela@coastalcommunityfoundation.org. You can reach Harry by phone at 843-763-8391 or 561-809-8391 (cell phone), or by email at harrynadlerchs@gmail.com.