90 Hasell St
Charleston, SC 29401

The JCC WOW Bookfest, in partnership with KKBE Sisterhood, presents:
Abigail Pogrebin: My Jewish Year
When: Thursday, May 3, 2018 | 7:00 PM
Where: Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Synagogue, 90 Hasell Street, Charleston, SC 29401
Born a Jew, Abigail Pogrebin embarked on an entire year of research, observance and writing about every ritual, fast and festival in one Jewish year after realizing how little she knew.
An immersive exploration that is both intimate and humorous, the book is an accessible digestible roadmap or a fresh take on what you’ve been practicing for a lifetime.
Kosher refreshments will be served at the event.
In honor of Ira and Anita Rosenberg.
This program sponsored in part by a generous allocation from the Charleston Jewish Federation.
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[su_button url=”https://pogrebin.eventbrite.com” target=”blank” background=”#33a3de” size=”10″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”0″ text_shadow=”2px 2px 2px #000000″]Click Here to Purchase Ticket[/su_button]