ROBERTA KAPLAN, Then Comes Marriage: United States vs. Windsor and the Defeat of Doma
Wednesday, January 13th, 2016 | 7:00 PM
Litigator Roberta Kaplan’s gripping story of her defeat of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) before the Supreme Court. This is the momentous account of the historic political ride and ultimate victory for gay civil rights. Join Kaplan for a wine and cheese reception and book signing after her talk. Local attorney Colleen Condon will introduce Kaplan.
Cosponsored by AFFA and Synagogue Emanu-El Sisterhood.
JCC and AFFA Member Fee: $10 | Community Fee: $14
Venue: Synagogue Emanu-El | 5 Windsor Drive
This year, our author events honor Billy Novit, who has actively created cultural arts programs for the Charleston JCC since 1954. For more information, contact Sandra Brett at